2024 Annual General Meeting
Bupa holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.
Our AGM was held at 11:30am on 15 May 2024 in London. Proxy votes were received from 67 Association Members.
The AGM was convened as a hybrid meeting, with Association Members able to participate either in person or online.
The AGM was preceded by a panel session with the Group CEO, Group CFO, Group Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer and Group Sustainability & People Officer covering Bupa's performance, improving customer experience and Blua, and employee engagement.
The AGM included a Q&A session with Association Members asking a range of questions. These included topics ranging from governance and diversity, delivering on Bupa’s Purpose to customer growth and growth opportunities for Niva Bupa.
The AGM was convened as a hybrid meeting, with Association Members able to participate either in person or online.
The AGM was preceded by a panel session with the Group CEO, Group CFO, Group Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer and Group Sustainability & People Officer covering Bupa's performance, improving customer experience and Blua, and employee engagement.
The AGM included a Q&A session with Association Members asking a range of questions. These included topics ranging from governance and diversity, delivering on Bupa’s Purpose to customer growth and growth opportunities for Niva Bupa.
19 ordinary resolutions were proposed to the meeting. These covered:
- receiving the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts and the Directors' Remuneration Report
- approving the Directors' Remuneration Policy
- individual resolutions proposing the election and re-election of all of the directors
- appointment and remuneration of the auditors
- approving an increase in the aggregate maximum amount of fees which can be paid to non-executive directors each year (Bupa's articles of association require that the maximum annual amount is approved by Association Members from time to time)
- authorising, on a protective basis, the making of political donations in accordance with section 366 of the Companies Act 2006
Each resolution was proposed as a separate resolution.
The resolutions at the meeting were taken on a poll. All resolutions were passed.